Thursday, May 24, 2012

Doily Day No. 1

Source: Dum Spiro Spero

Are you as in love with doilies as I am? My dream home would have one under every object, but since my husband does not share my fanaticism for all things doily, I have learned to repress my enthusiasm for these little masterpieces when I'm around him...

...but that doesn't mean I can't gush to you about my doily devotion!

Since doilies cost dime a dozen at antique and thrift shops, I've not really developed my own doily-making skills beyond the basics. I'm saving that for when I'm nine months pregnant/sick with the flu/incapacitated with two broken legs.

In the meantime, how about we admire two of my vintage doilies together?

The amount of work that goes into each one of these treasures never ceases to amaze me. The example above demonstrates some meticulous tatting.

Another example of dozens of hours of effort put into a small decorative object. Whoever crocheted this doily must have had a practiced hand and infinite patience. The roses that adorn the edge are actually three-dimensional!

What side of the Doily Debate do you fall on?

What is your attitude toward decorating with doilies?


Or click here for poll.

1 comment:

  1. :D ich weiß noch nicht recht was ich damit anfange... ich dachte über eine art armband nach oder eine handytasche :)
    hast du schon was mit deinem webstuhl fabriziert?

    Liebe Grüße!

    (ich find die beiden deckchen übrigens sehr süß und dekorativ! aber ich habe so viel kram, die würden darin untergehen :D)


The Hausfrau eagerly awaits your thoughts.